On many occasions we receive custom requests from our can-am spyder owners. We do our best to try to meet the needs and desires of our customers if at all possible. We are limited of course when it comes to licensed logos and product design. This is something that we can not reproduce. But in most instances we can accommodate our Spyder owners to some degree & this is one example we wanted to share with you. +
Our customer Bob D had asked us if we had a Pheonix bird or like I like to call it a T/A bird like those that came on the 70’s Trans-AM’s. Bob wanted a decal for the frunk of his Spyder that would contrast his Orbital Blue color and asked if we could produce it with a fade. With some edits this is what we came up with for him & he was quite delighted. We have a large selection of decal & dash kit products available for both the RS & RT model BRP can-am spyder motorcycles. You can view some of our current project photos here. Please shop our website for full wraps or pre-cut kits for the Can-am Spyder machines.
Read our customers & other comments about this Spyder trunk decal here.